I made the right choice

I made the right choice

DUAL Flail Mower

Ben Spear runs a 3rd generation 200 acre family farm in Trevilson, Cornwall. Around 100 acres is rented out, with the remaining 100 acres set to haylage and pasture, of which around 20 acres is used for DIY livery.  In addition, Ben spends around 2000 hours/yr contracting, mainly for a local potato grower.

In 2011 Ben was “looking for a flail mulcher, principally for management of grassland, but with the strength to undertake contracting work which can range from pasture topping, to set-aside maintenance,  to clearance jobs”.

Having looked at machines from several manufacturers, Ben “liked the compact design of the headstock and the robust build quality offered by the front/rear mount DUAL285 flail mulcher from Teagle Machinery in Cornwall. In addition the machine was competitively priced.”

“I used to run a mulcher with ‘Y’ flails but wanted something stronger, the flails on the DUAL are so hardy they have not needed changing yet. They are very versatile as the wide flails produce a very fine finish, I even used it to cut the grass around the marquee for my wedding!” 

And for heavier crops? Ben says “it is amazing how much faster well mulched material rots down”. 

The DUAL285 flail mulcher is stored inside, but aside from an annual check Ben says, “I don’t spend much time on it as it doesn’t need it, just a bit of grease each time it is used.”

And would Ben have another one? He says “Well, when is it going to wear out? – it is good for another 5 or 10 years!”


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